KidsDay St. Niklaus
KidsDay St. Niklaus
Once a year, the Next Sport Generation Foundation organises the KidsDay for children aged between six and 12 years in collaboration with FC St. Niklaus.
The KidsDay is a fun soccer afternoon with many emotions concerning all aspects of football. The registered girls and boys are split into teams such as Barcelona, Real Madrid, FC Sion etc. and then play a football tournament. Prior to the ranking announcement there are football shirt raffles and match points and whenever possible a ‘genuine’ football star also visits Upper Valais to give autographs.
The KidsDay is intended as a fun social event. All the participants therefore receive a trophy at the end and go home with a sparkle in their eyes, regardless of whether the matches have been won or lost.
Stefan Wolf, former FC Sion and national team player, expresses his deep thanks as Managing Director of the Next Sport Generation Foundation for the excellent support of the Sepp Blatter Foundation. Without the assistance of and collaboration with such partners, it would not be possible to hold the KidsDay. Many thanks!